Tomar, S., & Compton, R. 2020. Vec2Struc: A Method Towards Explainable Structural-Based Node Embeddings. In AAAI Spring Symposium: Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering (1) (March 2020).
Salganik, M. J., … Compton, R. J., … & McLanahan, S. 2020. Measuring the predictability of life outcomes with a scientific mass collaboration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(15), 8398-8403. (January 2020).
Compton, R. A Data-driven Approach to the Fragile Families Challenge: Prediction through Principal-Components Analysis and Random Forests. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 5, 2378023118818720 (May 2019).
Wu, J., Compton, R., Rakshit, G., Walker, M., Anand, P., & Whittaker, S. 2019. CruzAffect: a feature-rich approach to characterize happiness. In the Workshop on Affective Content Analysis. AffCon. 2019, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (January 2019), Hawaii, US.
Compton, R., Warshaw, J., Badenes, H., Smith, B., & Whittaker, S. 2018. Living in the Present: Understanding Long-Term Content Referencing in Enterprise Online Communities. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 2, CSCW, Article 39 (November 2018), 21 pages.
Compton, R., Chen, J., Haber, E., Badenes, H., & Whittaker, S. 2017. ‘Just the Facts’: Exploring the Relationship between Emotional Language and Member Satisfaction in Enterprise Online Communities. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media. AAAI. (May 2017), Montreal, QC, CA.
Compton, R. Theory Driven Community Analytics and Influence on Community Success. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (pp. 135-138). ACM. (February 2016), San Francisco, CA, US.
Gaikwad, S. … , Compton, R., et al. 2015. Daemo: A Self-Governed Crowdsourcing Marketplace. UIST ‘15 Adjunct: The 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Proceedings. UIST. (November 2015) Charlotte, NC, USA.
Oraby, S., Reed, L., Compton, R., Riloff, E., Walker, M., & Whittaker, S. 2015. And That’s A Fact: Distinguishing Factual and Emotional Argumentation in Online Dialogue. In the 2nd Workshop on Argumentation Mining at NAACL 2015. ACL, Denver, CO, USA.
Compton, R., Whittaker, S. (2015). Content Based Models to Classify Argument Style. Presented at 2015 Data Science Afternoon at UC-Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
Misra, A., Fava, D., Rhodes, D., Dettmer, B., & Compton, R. (2014) Ranking Politicos: A Mobile Application for Ranking Brazilian Politics. Presented at UCSC HCI poster session. Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
Gereke, B., Compton, R., and Fellous, JM. (2011). Sex Differences in Rodent Optimal Spatial Navigation: Influences of Estrous Cycle and Object Cues in the Traveling Salesperson Problem. Presented at the Poster session of Society for Neuroscience 2011. (SFN ‘11). Washington D.C., USA.
Past Submissions
Chen, J., Compton, R., Das, A., Huany, Y., Kobourov, S., Shen, P., Veeramoni, S. and Xu, Y. AngryAnts: A citizen science approach to computing accurate average trajectories. Submitted to Symposium on Computational Geometry 2013. Link to Game Website